Approved Documents

Modified on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 18:01 by Administrator — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Accept your Documents when Auto Accept is turned off

If your Chamber does not utilise ‘Auto Accept’ feature, you need to accept your submissions before paying for it.

Each submission required to be accepted by the consumer will be identified by the status of Approved by Chamber.


To accept the submission:

Step 1. Click the View icon against each document to view how it was stamped by the chamber.

Step 2. This opens up 'View and Collect Document' window.


Step 3. Click Accept in the top right hand corner to accept the submission.


- If your chamber is configured for Member Pays then the submission will be added to Customer's cart awaiting payment.
- If your chamber is configured for Chamber Pays then the submission will be added to the Chamber's cart awaiting payment.
- If your chamber is configured for On Account then you will be emailed your completed documents.

Download a Copy of Stamped Documents

If you require an additional copy of the stamped documents at a later stage, you can re-download them from within eCertify.

Step 1. Click the checkbox at the end of the grid for the relevant submission(s).

Step 2. Click on the Download Documents button just above the grid to the right of the screen.

Step 3. Click on the download link to download the documents.


Step 4. Follow the download prompts for your browser.